
30 January 2015

Great People In World

"I slept on benches and everyday borrowed 20 Rs from friend to travel to  Film city"
- Sharukh khan

"I failed in 8th standard"
-Sachin Tendulkar

"During my secondary school, I was dropped  from school basketball team"
-MichelI Jordan

"I was rejected for the  job in All India Radio bcoz of my heavy voice"
- Amitabh Bacchan

"I used to work in petrol pump"
- Dhirubhai Ambani

"I was rejected in the interview of Pilot"
- Abdul Kalam

"I didn't even complete  my university education"
- Bill Gates

"I was a dyslexic kid"
- Tom Cruize

"I was raped at the age of 9 "
- Oprah Winfrey

"I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training"
- Lionel Messi

"I used to sleep on the floor in friends rooms, returning Coke bottles  for food, money, and  getting weekly free  meals at a local temple"
-Steve Jobs

"My teachers used to call me a failure"
- Tony Blair

"I was in prison for 27 years"
-Nelson Mandela

I was a chaiwala

"At the age of 30, I was a bus conductor"

"Friends, there are  many such people who struggled..
Life is not about what you couldn't do so far,
it's about what you can still do.
Wait n dont ever give up..
Miracles happen every day....

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