
3 February 2015

Why should we ban tobacco/Cigarettes?

We should ban tobacco/cigarettes for the following reasons:
(The evidential argument against Tobacco/Cigarettes)
1. We ought to ban any product that can damage the health of its consumers.
2. The chemical reaction in the smoke of a tobacco product creates hundreds of toxins and carcinogenic substances. (Nicotine is an alkaloid substance, that has been extracted from the vascular cells of plants, and it is poisonous, and it caused the psychological dependency of smoking; A Carcinogen is s cancer causing agent, the smoke of tobacco causing cancer cells, for smoking causes cells to mutate, it can cause lung cancer, throat cancer, and even death)
3. The toxins and carcinogenic substances can damage health.
4. Hence, tobacco products contain harmful substances that can damage the health of consumers.
5. Therefore, we ought to ban tobacco products.
Or, 2
1. We ought to ban anything that contains substances that can harm/or kill consumers.
2. Cigarette is something that contains alkaloid (e.g Nicotine) substances and carcinogenic substances.
3. An Alkaloid substance (e.g Nicotine) (and a carcinogenic substance) can cause harm/or kill.
4. Hence, Cigarette contains substances that can harm/or kill consumers.
5. Therefore, we ought to ban cigarettes.
*By the end of the 21st century one hundred million people will be dead because of smoking*.
*Every six minutes a person will die because of smoking*.
*Globally, about six million people die, every year, because of smoking*

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