
22 September 2015

Padmavathy Medical College -GO.120

Kind Attn : Raylaseema + Nellore People ..!
IMPORTANT and SHARE to the relevant people:

Those Girls students who feel they lost admissions in Padmavathy medical college because of GO.120 can contact the following phone numbers for to file a review petition in supreme court.according to expert legal advise there is a fair chance in supreme court to for those who are adversely affected by G.O 120.

Kindly forward it to the all relevant people in Rayalaseema seema + Nellore and asking them to forward to their relevant contacts and speed also matters to get a positive results in supreme court.
Please post it in face book and other social media, urgent, it saves many girls career:
Sivaram: 9989140979,
Sudhakar reddy: 7799110707
Sreenivasa reddy: 9440054588

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