
30 April 2016

Walk for Water

Save Water, Save Life

  • Don’t keep the water running while you are brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Take shorter showers, better use bucket and mug.
  • Fix the dripping faucet.
  • Install water saving shower head that restricts the flow of water per minute.
  • Do not let water run while washing hands and scrubbing the utensils. Turn the water off while soaping and turn it again to rinse.
  • Never use the toilet as a trash can, to dispose bugs, cigarette butts, or other items. Unnecessary  flushing wastes water and places burden on sewage treatment plants and septic tanks.
  • Always wash a full load when using the washing machine. This saves water. Less than a full load wastes water.
  • Keep Conservation in mind while working in kitchen. Small water saving will do wonders over a period of time.
This includes views of former president on water crisis, need for the water conservation, future wars about water, water testing, and special initiative needed to improve quality of drinking water. Dr. Kalam’s last lecture’s title was “ creating a livable planet earth”and now he is no more but still there in the hearts of the million people through his incredible work and achievements, through his ever lasting thoughts which he portrayed in quotes, motivational speeches and his books, etc. He has got the beautiful knack of engaging with public on the various subjects. .In the context with water, all his followers over the years through media channels will remember his point of view on the river interlinking project, future water wars, generating awareness about water crisis amongst youth, also, need for the safe and pure drinking water. He has also generated awareness about the importance of rivers by a beautiful poem “Our mission is water “.
“It has become important for the country to implement a vision to develop network rivers and connect water reservoirs. Linking of main rivers, including Ganges, Krishna, Brahmaputra and Cauvery can help create surplus water according to Dr.Kalam. He was blessed with the vision to predict things most accurately even much before, any one would realize. He stressed a lot on the need for interlinking rivers and water bodies to solve the problem of water shortage. He said in one of the public event, “Future wars will be over water”.
Kalam Sir while addressing the inaugural function of Exposition on Water Conservation held in Coimbatore encouraged youngsters to be aware of water conservation techniques to avoid grave water crisis in future. He also mentioned that unless the country’s citizens learns about water’s judicious use, we will be in for more problems. He hailed the Siruthuli experiment undertaken in Coimbatore for restoration of the lost water reservoirs. He intended to make each user of the water-resources to become a stakeholder in its maintenance. For these things to happen, he pleaded for “attitudinal change” and “partnerships” of various kinds. Also, “In quest of water, there may arise differences among the neighboring nations such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan; hence we need to create awareness among the youngsters on the need to conserve water,” Kalam said.
Kalam understood the importance of water to our future and did not hesitate to call out large corporations involved in the ‘water industry’. The missile man also made a presentation on the need of water conservation and current water crisis due to over extraction of water resources and their contamination. This presentation is still available on internet, gaining lot of popularity online. In his presentation he mentioned that “I remember there were SAVE WATER warnings on outside posters, radio and TV, but nobody paid attention. We thought that water was to last forever. Now, all the rivers, lakes, dams and underground water beds are either dry or contaminated.
So much he gave, so much knowledge he shared therefore in our heart he always be there. Rest in peace, Dr. Kalam — missile man, people’s president and we are blessed to witness leader like him in present.

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