19 March 2015

Quiz - Who is the Thief ?

Let's see how many of you are "Smart" 
A Japanese ship is sailing in the Pacific Ocean. Captain of the ship is going to take a shower. He kept his Diamond chain and Watch in the table shelf & went for shower & returns in 10 mins.
Now read carefully
When Captain returns both Chain and Watch are missing.
He called the crews in the ship. There were 4 of them.
1. A British guy. 
He's a cook in the ship. 
Captain asked where were you last 10 mins. He answered "I was in the cold room to select the meat for the lunch."
2. A Sri Lankan guy
Captain repeats same question. He was the house keeping guy
He informed that he was at the top of the ship correcting the flag which was upside down.
3. An Indian guy:
again same question. He is an engineer, maintains the ship.
 He told that he was in generator room checking the generator.
4. A French guy. Same question repeats here also. He was also a house keeping Crew.
 He told I was sleeping after the night shift.
With in 10 secs captain caught the thief.
How and who is the Thief?

Comment Your Answers 

1 comment:

  1. Japan Flag is consisting of a Perfect Red Circle. It will be the same, if it is hosted upside down. Hence Sri Lankan Guy may be the one who stole Watch and Chain.
